Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How goes it...

Well, we are in a new month now and I thought I'd take a look back and see if I was able to follow through on my resolutions. A friend of mine read about my goals for 2009 and came up with a cute acronym to help remind me about it daily. RENEW

R - relate
E - eat
N - Nehemiah 1:11 "Grant your servant success today."
E - enjoy
W - walk

I like the acronym a lot, especially with the included Bible verse which is also a reminder to me to pray daily for God's help in achieving daily success. I have this posted on my computer at work and find that it reminds me daily to make better choices.

I have had many opportunities in the last month to spend time with friends and family and I'm preparing to go out to Hallmark this week to purchase Valentine cards to send out as well. I've made an effort to make healthier food choices, to not eat everything on my plate or to take a smaller portion. I've done pretty well with eating breakfast every day and have cut back on the amount of soda and have been drinking more water lately.

As for prayer, I've tried to make a conscious effort to pray for those who I have offered to pray for - whether it be while driving in my car, before going to bed at night, or as I think about them throughout the day. Josh & I still need to order our new Bibles which were supposed to be Christmas presents. Mine will be the Bible on CD and I intend to start listening to it in the car on the way to or from (or both) work.

I think that I've tried to do things that make me smile...reading some good books, spending time with friends, going to Disneyland with my family, and watching things that make me laugh. I think that I would like to add to this idea by trying to not argue so often with Josh and try to let little things slide more often. To try to enjoy our time together and not let little issues steal our joy. We also have a vacation coming up at the end of this month that should be full of opportunities to smile. We are headed to the central coast to visit Paso Robles, Hearst Castle, Cayucos and Solvang over a 5 day vacation. This is in part to celebrate the seven year anniversary of when we met online through Match.com (2/25/02) and also because we've been wanting to take a vacation to those places for the last 5 years.

As for walking more, I've done several things to make this true almost every day. I walked one evening with my best friend and look forward to doing it again once she is recovered from her recent surgery. I've been parking my car further away from the places I need to go so that I can add a little walking here and there. I've been trying to get up from my desk throughout the day to walk around upstairs or around the library. We went to Disneyland two weeks ago with my family and as usual spent lots of time walking around. :) I find that I think about it more often and thus make more of an effort to add a few steps or more here and there. I've also recently ordered the original Sweatin' to the Oldies DVD set and Josh & I intend to start doing that once a week to start...and hopefully working up to a couple times a week.

I know that it will only be with God's help that I am able to continue working to achieve these goals...but it is my sincere intent to keep depending on him and not give up even if I stumble or fail. I appreciate any prayers or encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great goals! Keep up the good work! I have to laugh--remember we used to do Sweating to the Oldies in PE?