Best friends Angela and Keri - over 15 years have passed since we met and this weekend provided our very first opportunity to spend so much quality time together. We talked a lot, we laughed even more, and we really strengthened our already strong friendship. Though we don't always agree on every issue, we gain perspective from each other, we support each other, we encourage each other and most of all, we love each other in spite of and sometimes because of our differences. This weekend would not have been the same with any other person and I'm grateful we had the opportunity to go.

Being silly with feather boas at the Barry Manilow store at the Las Vegas Hilton. We had wanted to eat dinner at Quarks (craving the Holy Rings of Betazed - onion rings), but were saddened to discover it no longer exists.

So, we ate at the Paradise Cafe instead and contented ourselves with some shopping for cute trinkets, like a small button I got that says "I love not camping", and being silly with boas and other assorted Manilow merchandise.

Saturday was spent checking out the M&M super 5-floor souviner shop which included a huge wall of over 25 colors of M&M's in assorted flavors too.

Angela finally got to try out an oxygen bar. The salesman flirted with us as he showed off all the massage tools they also sold and convinced us enough to buy several of them. Nukkles was a great investment for me, and a scalp massager was a hit for Angela.

Next we headed to the Coca Cola store where we had the opportunity to purchase Tastes of the World. Soda flavors from 16 countries available in small taste servings for only $7 (and free for us because their computer system went down and the line got long).

We tried all the flavors by themselves first and then got silly making our own mixed flavors. Some looked bad but tasted good, some looked good but tasted bad...and a few were even better mixed together than on their own. :)

The Italy flavor was called "Beverly" and this was the face we made when tasting it. It has a terrible mediciny/tart grapefruit taste. We tried mixing it with "Fanta Kolita" from Costa Rica (tasted like deoderant smells)...but it was actually worse, but made for lots of laughter. :)

Beautiful Angela ready for our night out to see Bette Midler. We had dinner at Planet Hollywood in the Forum Shops of Caesar's Palace. It was quite yummy and fun to look at all the movie props and watch old music videos.
Me in my cute new top and jeans. Thanks Kelly for helping me pick out the shirt. We had great seats at the Colosseum and the ladies sitting next to us were also huge Bette Midler fans and provided some interesting pre-show conversation.

Before the show, we had the opportunity to get our pictures taken - it was a little embarassing, but lots of fun and yes, we did purchase the pictures after the show. :)
All in all, it was an amazing weekend. Seeing Bette Midler was such a wonderful opportunity and I would love to see her perform again. This was only my second concert and the setting was much more intimate and thus more exciting. Being able to share this weekend with Angela was great and I really enjoyed all the opportunities for conversation that it provided. I'm grateful for her friendship and support in my life and glad that we were able to have this girl's weekend. Maybe there will be more in our future! :)
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